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#5 Not A Cult.

Jerome Kocher

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

What do Rudolf Steiner and Donald Trump have in common?

OK. I’ve done this for shock value to get your attention - all two of you! Only two of my friends may read and understand this post in its entirety. And you know who you are. Everyone else reading this may not get the initial reference to Rudolf Steiner. So proceed at your own risk.

To start with, Steiner and Trump have little to nothing in common. What they do have in common, is me! Let me explain. When I was first introduced to Steiner at the age of 20, it was in an aisle at the local book store - Beer’s Books. I was looking for Edgar Cayce and he suggested I also look at the Gospel of St. John by Steiner. So I did. When I read it, something resonated in me. It was not the personality of its Austrian author. It was the imagination and truth of what I read. It seemed like I was familiar with this already. It felt like home. It rang true. It actually seemed to come from within me and not from an outward source. It was not a Steiner cult of personality. It was a homecoming . . . to myself.

The same is valid for my evolving with Trump’s ideas and goals. He did not create his base of support. It was already there and he recognized that it did not have a voice. He gave expression to something that millions of people intrinsically already felt and thought on their own. Someone does understand us. This can grow into a loyalty, but for me it was never a personality cult. The messenger is not perfect, and even flawed at times, but the message rang true. For the haters, all they see is the messenger’s looks and showmanship behavior. For the rest of us, we hear policies and ideas that ring true to ourselves. We feel that he hears us. Not that we hear him.

If the three of us would be at a festive occasion, I doubt that Steiner or Trump would have anything to say to each other, let alone recognize each other. But for me, I would seek out both, individually, and say “Thank You” for all you have given me and awakened in me.

Thank You!

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